Glimpse of the Past #8: Old Stone House Day 1920

Our eighth “Glimpse of the Past” with The Barton Chronicle takes you to 1) The Old Stone House circa 1920 (with a lower road than today); and, 2) Kettle coffee served on Old Stone House Day 1925 (as we still do today)!

These photos comes from the Austin Collection in our archives. The right-hand photo is of the Old Stone House in Brownington circa 1920. Notice how low the road is compared to today. Also notice the original barn that was torn down not long after this photo was taken and rebuilt by the Historical Society in 2016.

The second shows kettle coffee being served on the lawn of the Old Stone House. This is a tradition that has been a part of Old Stone House Day from 1925 right up until 2019. Due to Covid19 there was no kettle coffee for Old Stone House Day in August this 2020 though there were virtual events via Zoom Video Conferencing and Social Media.