Celebrate the Sixth Annual National Day of Racial Healing

January 17, 2022

In celebration of the sixth annual National Day of Racial Healing on January 18, 2022, the Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village encourages individuals and community organizations to engage in activities, events and strategies that promote healing and foster engagement around the issues of racism, bias, inequity and injustice in our society. The National Day of Racial Healing is part of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation effort—a national and community-based process to plan for and bring about transformational and sustainable change, and to address the historical and contemporary effects of racism.

Find out more about the national day or racial healing HERE

As an institution dedicated to celebrating the life and legacy of Alexander Lucius Twilight, the nation’s first African American college graduate and legislator, our staff is committed to educating around historic injustice, systemic racism and pervasive inequalities. We invite adults to explore the rich resources made available through the Society of American Archivists as we come together to observe the day with reflection and action.

Find the resources from the Society of American Archivists HERE

Have young children at home and want to take part? We suggest that together your family can check out this list of children’s literature and share in the stories. Or stop by our gift shop during the museum’s season Mid May to Mid October where we have many of the titles available.

Find the list of children’s literature HERE