Become A Member Today!

Make your gift at the appropriate level for you and renew your membership today! A donation at any level makes you a member for one full year. Your membership helps to support our important work:

  • Preservation of an important historic site and its collections of Northern Vermont history.
  • Education of hundreds of children, families and adults annually.
  • Inspiration to learn from our past to better our future.

Thank you for your consideration and interest; every bit of your support is sincerely appreciated.

Please see the table below for membership levels and benefits. The first level, Contributor, includes donations of any amount up to $150 (for example, $25, $50, $75, etc.). All members who give $150 or more automatically become North American Reciprocal Museum Association members with access to admission to over 1,000 museums across North America.


Membership Benefits

(Click on the table below to view it as a PDF)

Donations of all amounts are appreciated and will help to further our mission.