Daisy Dopp’s Vermont #1: Daisy Dopp 1 – Glimpses of the Past

In 1983 the Orleans County Historical Society published an anthology of the writings of Daisy Sherburne Dopp. Daisy was born on the family farm on Route 122 in Glover and spent most of her life there, only leaving the farm after losing her husband in 1969. Living alone in Glover Village, Daisy stayed active and wrote many articles chronicling her experiences living in the Northeast Kingdom for the local papers. Daisy died in Glover on January 9, 1981.

The old Sherburne-Dopp farm became the home of Peter and Elka Schumann and the Bread and Puppet theater in 1974. The Northeast Kingdom lost Elka Schumann on August 1, 2021, at the age of 85. It was Elka who took on the task of preserving the writings of Daisy Dopp, gathering and editing her numerous stories, enlisting Peter’s help drawing the illustrations and making them into an anthology for all who love the Northeast Kingdom to enjoy.

As a tribute to our friend Elka Schumann, the Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village would like to serialize Daisy’s stories of rural life in the Northeast Kingdom to a new generation of readers.

Unless otherwise noted, the stories here originally appeared in the Newport Daily Express.